Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 02- Your Favourite Movie

I may describe myself as movie freak. I go to the cinema quite often when I ended my school year. Bila ada movie baru je, cepat-cepat roger kawan-kawan ajak tengok wayang. So. let's see what is my favourite movie. Actually, there are LOADS of movies I like. Now, I don't know which to pick.

*Reminisce the past*

Why favourite movie? Not favourite MOVIESSSSS? Okay, it's really a tough pick. So, I have decided to pick Charlie & the Chocolate Factory as my favourite. Why? Because I love chocolate I guess. Haha. The factory was full of chocolate and it was way too cool. And the main actor was Johny Depp which I've always like his movies. I adore his acting as it look natural and cool.

The story begins with the life of a poor kid, Charlie Bucket, who also attempts to take part in the search of 5 Golden Tickets, a worldwide contest by the chocolate maker, Willy Wonka (Johny Depp), which would bring them a day-long tour of the factory and a lifetime supply of chocolate. The contest become worldwide mania. And Charlie was very lucky as he finds the final ticket after two failed attempts. The big day finally come. As the group moves from one room to room, the tour turn into a punishment for the bad children as one child after another falls victim to his or her particular vices and is removed. They leave the factory with permanent reminders of their misbehaviour as well as their lifetime supply of chocolate. Charlie is the only child who does not misbehave throughout the factory * sbb cam kisah dia jugak*. Seeing that he his the only one left, Wonka announces that he has won. He receives the entire factory and will take over the company after Wonka retires. The story became quite emotional was when the part Wonka flashback on the memory of his father.

I always imagine I'm the kid who had won the Golden Ticket and get the chance to be in the factory. Quite an imagination there.HAHA.

Okay, done crapping.

PS: Jom tengok Karate Kid :D


  1. did u noe dat dey use
    da real chocolate foe da river?
    nyum nyum!!

  2. wah.. menarik2. thanks for the summary. heee =)
