Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 04- Your Favourite Book

I used to be a bookworm before I went to MRSM. I can read lots of books per day. Tolak Makan. Tolak tengok TV. Tolak homeworks. Basically, I love to read. Dulu, before I went to bed,kene baca buku dulu. If not, I could not sleep. Insane right?
It's hard to keep my habit at MRSM. There's too much assignment, prep and such. But I do read. It just not as much as before. Plus the books are not REALLY interesting. When I was a kid, I was more into comics and now pun beli jugak. I read Ujang (zaman baru nak tanam minat baca) and all-time favourite comics were Archie's which are comics publish by Reader's Digest.

I improved my English by reading. I don't speak as good as I write. Ah, kalau menulis pun dah teruk macam ni, you can imagine how berterabur I speak. I started to read simple English books with lotsa illustrations and start collecting Enid Blyton books since I am in standard 1. And then, started collecting Jacqueline Wilson's books because the language are simpler. Move on to Harry Porter, Adelaine Yen Mah, Danielle Steel, Jodie Picoult etc.But I still flunk on SPM.HAHA.

Who say's I don't read Malay novels? Pencapaian terbaik pernah baca buku tebal Kamus Dewan Edisi ke-6. Paling terbaik punya novel melayu mestilah daripada Ahadiat Akashah. Masa ini zaman sekolah when my two cousins were into lovey dovey Malay novels and influenced me into reading it too. And my aunts pun suka collects novels from Karangkraf. Tell you what, I had never ever bought a Malay novel. Semua pinjam.HAHA.

My genre of books would definitely be a life story. The Lord Of The Rings memang saya tidak baca. Harap Maaf. If you would love to start reading English books, I strongly recommended you to start with Jean Ure's books because the language are simpler.

Chinese Cinderella, Nought & Crosses, Silent Honour, Jodi Picoult's collection, Kite Rider etc are some of the books I recommended you to put your hands on.

PS: Can't wait to buy more books since I have recycled half of my books collection to give up space to the new collections :D

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