Yeah,I am new here.
Let's begin on my name.The name given is NUR ZAHIDAH. You can just call me DIDA. That'll be much shorter and easier. And don't you ever ever never ever ask me where the hell did I got those nick? It'll be a long-never-ending-story then.
Currently, I am on sem-break. Holiday means mkn,tido and out to shopping.*yeay! =))
Today,nothing much happen. Just that I helped my mum sort out all her tupperware stuff. Byk,but x pakai. What a waste.*hehe* then,with my super-duper-rajin-mood, I made some spagetthi bolognese. It goes quite masin but still licin.*well,see the hand laa man =P*. Mlm, I came across one of my friends blog. And it looks quite fun doing all this blogging thing-gy. So,here goes mine.haha. Boring and lame though compare to the others.*sigh. Nvm, I'll make it interesting and fun in future*yeah right*.
Okay. That would do for a start. Out for now. Bye bye =))
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